ev charger

Mobility Engineering Curriculum


The online Master of Science in Engineering is a comprehensive engineering program that encompasses both leadership strategy and technical skills. The curriculum is rooted in 30 years of excellence in education and research by the College of Engineering - Center for Environmental Research and Technology (CE-CERT) .

Coursework includes 8 credits of core engineering classes, plus 24 credits within your specialization, helping you tailor the program to your area of expertise.

To accommodate busy professionals, the online Master of Science in Engineering does not include a required residency. Instead, students participate in 4 one-credit capstone design courses up to 4 credits throughout the program, providing a rich learning experience that comes with maximum flexibility.


Core Courses (8 credits)

  • ENGR200 Engineering in the Global Environment (4)
  • ENGR201 Technology Innovation and Strategy for Engineers (4)
  • ENGR202 Introduction to Systems Engineering (4)
  • ENGR203 Principles of Engineering Management (4)
  • ENGR 204 Projects Portfolio Management (4)

Specialization Courses
(24 credits)

  • CEE204 Advanced Kinetics and Reaction Engineering (4)
  • CEE233 Advanced Air Pollution Control and Engineering (4)
  • CEE235 Electrochemical Engineering (4)
  • CEE236 Energy: Production, Uses, Economics, and Sustainability (4)
  • EE246 Intelligent Transportation Systems (4)
  • EE266 Advanced Topics in Connected and Automated Transportation System (4)
  • EE286B/EE153 Electric Drive (4)
  • ME117 Combustion and Energy Systems (4)
  • ME136 Environmental Impacts of Energy Production and Conversion (4)
  • ME226 Vehicle Dynamics (4)
  • ME227 Vehicle Propulsion (4)
  • ME248 Internal Combustion Engines (4)

Project Design Course
(1 credit per quarter over 4 quarters)

  • ENGR 296: Project Design Course (includes a literature review and a report)

Future Courses

  • Electric Vehicles
  • Connected and Automated Transportation System
  • Introduction to Automotive Engineering
  • Introduction to Transportation Engineering
  • Bending the Curve: Climate Change Solutions
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